22 June 2012

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (10): The Adapter Explanation

After I explain how the relationship between time and number, now I want to illustrate how magnetic fields or Energy 4 affect an event.

I have a power supply or adapter. There are two kinds of adapter is an adapter that has 2 poles and 3 poles. As the adapter 2 poles has a positive (+) and negative (-) while the adapter 3 poles has an additional pole is grounded.

Adapter with two poles when we measure with a multimeter only arises a measurement such as + 4 Volts DC. Adapter that has 3 poles there are two measurements that is generated  +4
Volts DC and - 4 Volts DC.  

Why? Because the reference of measurement of the ground.

Such type of that similar adapter is used in many digital devices including computers, laptops and smartphones you are used.

What is the relationship with Sukhoi crash?

I want to repeat again how the magnetic field or Energy 4 occurred. Energy 4 is looking for a pole, we refer to (+). And I am converted into energy units is 603 Joules or 9 so that the pole is called +9 Volts.

Furthermore, there is another opposite pole there are lower than the that poles. I refer to - 4 Volts. All measurements refer to the Ground or Earth.

But you will ask where the numbers are - 4 Volts?

I want to explain about the date of Sukhoi crash at that point . The date of Sukhoi crash is
9.5.12 which when summed produce the number 17 and counted again to 8 which raised the number 4.

Now it is full of data that we have, so that I easily explain to you how energy can lead to that 4 points lower.

With reference to the ground point, the generated voltage as follows:

+9 Volts, Ground and -4 Volts   <<<<

If measured with a multimeter, ground and (+9), will be measured as + 9 Volts with the ground, while the (- 4)  measured as - 4 Volts.

And then I will measure pole + 9 Volts with - 4 Volts. What were the results?

On the multimeter will read + 13 Volts. Wow unlucky number?

That's right. In that conditian, in that date Sukhoi crash the number +13 Volts coming.That is means there is a difference voltage which makes Energy 4 to the point where it was Sukhoi crash.

Whether it can be understood? Only God's know....Allahu Akbar....